Trio / Quartet / Quintet

impressionistic jazz


This quintet has been a labor of love and artistic development for all involved, faithfully coming together periodically, gig or no gig, to rehearse / jam together. Our emphasis has always been on the music itself rather than “how to get gigs”. This concept has allowed us to explore interactive playing as well as composition without distraction. I am so very lucky to have been blessed with the likes of Bob Meashey, John Mosemann, John Swana and Steve Meashey, who have kept my musical spirit alive over the years due to their artistic musical values and dedication to making music with me. I can fill over a dozen CDs with all the music we have recorded over the decade and will continue to develop my playing and writing through this special quintet.


The Two Guitar Quartet is a special project with Erik Dutko (guitar) and my 2 colleagues John Mosemann (drums) and Steve Meashey (bass). Erik and I have a wonder rapport which is both beautiful and progressive. It’s a mix of special arrangements of more obscure tunes and my original compositions. In this setting, I sometimes use my classical guitar, as does Erik. So there is a menu of sound variety between electric, archtop, classical and acoustic blends depending on the piece.


The guitar trio will always be a favorite project for me and for guitar buffs. The guitar trio (guitar, bass, drums) challenges me to play chord melodies somewhat on every piece and I don’t really work things out when doing this so it’s always a fun challenge for me to “voice on the fly” so to speak. I love the openness of the guitar trio, and playing with combination of musicians is extremely loose and interactive.